northwest's "self" doesn't disappoint

By Mackenzie Wagner

On Oct. 1, Northwest released their latest single “Self.” The song follows their last release, Silver Lining, which debuted earlier this year. 

Despite the strong beat of guitar and drums in the beginning, “Self” is a soft & warm piece lyrically and vocally. The lack of variation in the tone fits the feeling of being in your head that the song portrays. The guitar continues in the background of the whole song, giving the mellow vocals an electric vibe. Backed by modern and groovy guitar tracks, the lyrics of “Self” are centered around the need to focus on oneself before connecting with others. 

“Self” is a lyrically strong song and portrays a concept that many can connect to. It is hard to make connections with others if you can’t work on yourself, and Northwest conveys that sometimes hopeless feeling nicely through their lyrics. The song opens with “You told me to work on myself sometimes, but it’s hard when you’re always on my mind” and sets the scene for the song. Northwest really encompasses how hard it can be to work on yourself without a clear headspace. The lyrics “I’ll try to clear my head now, but I can’t help that it’s myself” convey how sometimes we get in the way of trying to help ourselves.

The song is not only well written but also well produced. The guitar and drum tracks are consistent through the song and give the song a fresh, rhythmic vibe. While prominent in the song, the instrumental aspect is not overpowering, which allows the vocals to come through and the lyrics to be felt. There is a perfect balance between the instrumental aspect of the song and the vocals. The song is a nice balance of energetic and soft, which listeners are sure to appreciate. 

Northwest’s newest single “Self” is available on streaming platforms now and certainly does not disappoint.


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